There’s always something new at SerpaDesign.
From projects to concepts and ideas, things are always changing. Stay up to date with the latest from the blog.
Micro Crab Riparium Root Bowl
Aquarium bowls are pretty neat, especially when you go above the rim with terrestrial plants.
Isopod Tree Root Forest Vivarium
Isopods make for great pets and can be housed in beautiful bioactive vivariums.
Bog Orb Riparian Planters Aquascape
What is a bog orb riparian planters aquascape? Quite a mouthful, but a really neat looking aquarium.
DIY Self-Watering Fern Table Top Planter
Growing ferns in a more elaborate setup can actually be much easier than traditional means.
Easy DIY Fish Portals for Guppy Pond
You can make a fish portal with something as simple as an airline tube and a single connector.
DIY Micro All-In-One Snail Aquarium
I took a random acrylic organizer and transformed it into a micro aquarium for snails.
Easy DIY Wabi-Kusa Tutorial
Learn how to combine the terrarium and aquarium hobbies together with a wabi-kusa.
Easy Blackwater Aquascape
See how I created an awesome blackwater aquascape with very simple techniques.
Terrarium Computer Desk… 1 Year Later
The DIY Terrarium Computer Desk is a year old. See how it’s doing now!