Easy Blackwater Aquascape

The Inspiration

About a month ago I built a pond for my parents. While I was doing that, I found a few pieces of driftwood in their yard. I believe they are the base of pine trees. Anyway, when I saw these, I know they would be absolutely PERFECT for a blackwater aquascape… so that’s exactly what I did.

The Build

As with a lot of my setups, I started by building a rimless tank with scrap glass from previous builds. It didn’t take long and I ended up with an awesome tank. While the silicone cured, I addressed the wood and botanicals (leaves and seedpods). I boiled all of those to get them waterlogged and to ensure they’re safe for livestock.

Afterward, I added the components to the tank and filled it with water. Then, I dosed with Fritz Turbostart and installed the filter. Finally, I added the fish and enjoyed the view. Check out the video for a detailed look at what I did!


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