Easy DIY Fish Portals for Guppy Pond

In this week's video, I address a lot of things that I've needed to take care of for a while. I've had big plans for both the 75 gallon and 150 gallon tanks cube for months, but I had to marinate on my ideas. Both visions have changed a lot over that time, so I'm glad that I've waited this long.

The main focus of this video though, is DIY fish portals. Although I love having duckweed in some of my tanks, it's become a nuisance while feeding. To help out with this, I decided to make a few portals. They were super easy to make and look pretty cool.

All that you need is some airline tubing, which most aquarists already have, and airline connectors. The process is as simple as cutting a length of the tube and linking up the ends with a connector. Doing so, costs next to nothing and makes caring for your fish much easier.

I highly recommend making a few if you incorporate floating plants in your aquariums!


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